Why you should try Hypnobirthing
HypnoBirthing is a well structured childbirth education program that teaches you and your birth companion self hypnosis, breathing and relaxation techniques, visualisation as well as education surrounding pregnancy and childbirth. Based on the philosophy that childbirth is a normal and natural event and firmly, we believe that birthing should be a rewarding, relaxing and stress free experience where babies come into this world in a atmosphere of gentility, calmness and joy.
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Episode 30:My top 3 tips on what to do as soon as you find out your pregnant!
One of the main things I hear women say when they first find out they are pregnant is ;“ I…
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Episode 29- Natalie’s Birth Story
Today’s episode is with new Mum Natalie. Natalie is currently 5 weeks into her Motherhood journey so I felt extremely…
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Episode 28-My Births of Tallow and Jax- Hospital and Homebirth
This episode was inspired by Lauren, a fellow Mum who joined us on Episode 21 (listen HERE) where she shared…
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Episode 27- Persistent Pelvic Pain with Women’s Health Physio’s Zara and Renee
In today’s episode we are joined with 2 incredible women’s health physio’s; Zara and Renee. In it we explore in detail…
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Episode 26- A couples story of their planned VBAC – with Danielle and Daniel
In today’s episode we are joined by Danielle and Daniel Lamb where they share their incredible VBAC (Vaginal Birth After…
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We believe that every couple should have the opportunity to have a satisfying and rewarding birthing experience. Women can enjoy and embrace their pregnancy for the amazing time that it is and approach birth with calmness and joy…