
“My dream is that every woman everywhere will know the joy of a safe, satisfying birth for both herself and her baby”

– Marie Mongan

Why I teach HypnoBirthing

I came across HypnoBirthing when I saw it in practice. I walked into a birthing room as their Midwife for the day. The first thing I noticed was that they had taken control of the room and it was an extremely relaxing environment. The husband was an integral part of the experience, turning the lights down, tending to music, aromatherapy and as his partner was in establish labour he ran through their birth plan with me. Throughout the labour he continually used all the tools and techniques learnt in HypnoBirthing and to this day it remains one of the calmest, moving, and I could even use the word romantic, birth that I have seen.

Book a 5 Week Hypnobirthing Class


Imagine if…

  • You could feel empowered and excited about the birth of your baby.
  • You had no fear surrounding labour and birth
  • Your labour and birth could be an intimate, rewarding and calm experience for you and your birth companion.
  • You could learn lifelong skills on ways to relax and un-stress so that you and your family can live a happier life.

Hypnobirthing will teach help you to achieve these wishes. Whether you are planning a home birth, birth centre or hospital birth, Hypnobirthing is for anyone and everyone.


About HypnoBirthing

HypnoBirthing is a well structured childbirth education program that teaches you and your birth companion self hypnosis, breathing and relaxation techniques, visualisation as well as education surrounding pregnancy and childbirth.

Hypnobirthing is based on the philosophy that childbirth is a normal and natural event and firmly believes that birthing should be a rewarding, relaxing and stress free experience where babies come into this world in a atmosphere of gentility, calmness and joy.

HypnoBirthing the Mongan Method is a well stablished antenatal education program with over 25 years of experience and success. Founded by Marie Mongan in 1989, today HypnoBirthing has become a well established International program in 45 countries worldwide!

Structured over a 5 week comprehensive antenatal course, couples learn how to reconnect with their natural ability to birth free from the ‘fear, tension and pain syndrome’. Couples leave feeling empowered, educated and excited about their upcoming birth. The skills and methods that you learn to promote a calm and stress free labour and birth are life long skills that you take with you following the birth of your baby.

Book a 5 Week Hypnobirthing Class


The power of simplicity

Hypnobirthing uses a holistic approach that focuses on the physical and psychological nature of birthing. It has been well established that our bodies are perfectly designed for birthing and that during labour and birth we release a unique range of hormones that; facilitate our birthing muscles to work in harmony, to reduce or eliminate pain and to create feelings of relaxation and euphoria and even to prepare for breastfeeding after birth. These “feel good” hormones not only help the body to work in harmony and promote calmness but also act to inhibit the release of ‘stress’ hormones that lead to the “fear, tension and pain’ syndrome. Hypnobirthing teaches you and your birth companion how to work with your body to facilitate and even increase this natural process thus reducing or even eliminating discomfort.

HypnoBirthing brings back the simplicity of birth itself and teaches you to trust your body and baby during this process. Through learning and practising simple yet effective techniques you will learn how to recondition your mind and body for birthing and to release any negative pre-programming about birth.

Book a 5 Week Hypnobirthing Class

What you will get out of it

  • HypnoBirthing will teach you and your birth companion the ability to birth in a more comfortable, rewarding, satisfying and stress free manner.
  • Pre conceived fears and concerns surrounding childbirth will be eliminated and replaced with optimism, excitement and positivity surrounding your labour and birth.
  • You will receive unbiased education on the anatomy and physiology of labour and birth as well as natural and medical inductions so that you can make informed decisions.
  • You will learn all about how your body and baby work together during childbirth.
  • You will learn how you can facilitate this natural process to ensure it is more comfortable, shorter and enjoyable.
  • Your birth companion will feel confident in their role as your support person and the methods they can incorporate to make you more relaxed and calm.
  • You will be inspired and awed as you watch Hypnobirthing films that show labouring mothers, calm, relaxed and in good humour during their labour and how truly remarkable and empowering this process can be.

HypnoBirthing Advantages/Statistics

  • 83% of HypnoBirthing mothers birthed vaginaly compared to the National average of 68%
  • 77% of HypnoBirthing mothers who birthed vagianly did so without epidural.
  • 6% of HypnoBirthing mothers chose to birth in freestanding birth centres
    (national average is less than 1 percent).

(Data provided by the HypnBirthing Institute, between 2005-2010)

What you will learn in classes

Unit 1: Building a positive expectancy

  • Education surrounding HypnoBirthing and its philosophy
  • Anatomy and physiology- how our uterus is perfectly designed for birthing, the hormones involved in birthing and the FEAR, TENSION PAIN SYNDROME.
  • How to assist, rather than resist, this natural process. The vocabulary for calm and gentle births
  • Visualizing gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

Unit 2: Falling in love With Your Unborn Baby, Preparing Mind and Body Prenatal Psychology

  • How you influence the physical and psychological development of your unborn baby with prenatal bonding techniques.
  • Preparing our bodies for birthing- nutrition and toning.
  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

The five techniques of hypnobirthing:

  1. Rapid and instant relaxation techniques
  2. Breathing techniques for labour and birthing
  3. Self Hypnosis
  4. Visualisation
  5. Affirmations

Unit 3: Getting ready to welcome your baby

  • Preparing Birth Preferences Labour and birth physiology Light Touch Massage Special circumstances
  • Education surrounding Natural induction of labour and medical induction of labour
  • Releasing negative emotions, fears and limiting thoughts
  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

Unit 4: Getting ready to Welcome your Baby

  • Onset of Labour- Thinning and Opening Phase, Hallmarks of Labour
  • Birth explained simply, what to expect
  • Birth companions role
  • What to do if labour slows/stops
  • As Labour Advances what to expect
  • Birth rehearsal imagery
  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

Unit 5: Birthing- Breathing love, Bringing life

  • Overview of birthing phase
  • Positions for decent and birthing
  • Overview of breathing techniques for birthing Overview of Breastfeeding and attachment Skin to skin bonding with your baby
  • Visualising gentle births by viewing gentle, calm and beautiful birth films.

Book a 5 Week Hypnobirthing Class